Data Scientist


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The key Responsibilities for the role are:

  • Work with stakeholders throughout the organization to identify opportunities for leveraging company data to drive business solutions.
  • Mine and analyze data from company databases to drive optimization and improvement of product development, marketing techniques and business strategies.
  • Assess the effectiveness and accuracy of new data sources and data gathering techniques.
  • Develop custom data models and algorithms to apply to data Adhere to SLA sets.
  • Use predictive modeling to increase and optimize customer experiences, revenue generation, ad targeting and other business outcomes.
  • Develop company A/B testing framework and test model quality.
  • Coordinate with different functional teams to implement models and monitor outcomes.
  • Develop processes and tools to monitor and analyze model performance and data accuracy.

The key requirements for the role are:

  • 7 years of IT experience; 3 years of experience as a Data Scientist
  • University Degree in Computer or mathematics Graduation
  • Python, Numpy, statistical computation language (R, Python etc),
  • Knowledge of a variety of machine learning techniques (clustering, decision tree learning, artificial neural networks, etc.) and their real-world advantages/drawbacks.
  • Knowledge of advanced statistical techniques and concepts (regression, properties of distributions, statistical tests and proper usage, etc.) and experience with applications

These are some of the benefits you will enjoy:

• Attractive salary & benefits
• Pleasant work atmosphere: open office environment, relax rooms, cafeterias, kitchens and terraces
• Job security: Our Partner guaranteed the job to all employees during pandemic
• Get in the shape: 24 hours free gym facilities
• Career growth opportunities: 70%+ of leadership roles fulfilled by internal promotions
• Best diversity of workplace – 99 Nationalities
• Opportunity to volunteer in the corporate social responsibility
• Opportunity to network with 500,000 associates in the organization
• Work-life balance: Home office opportunities
• Learning opportunities: Internal learning programs, alliances with LinkedIn learning, Udemy and others
• Be part of a real multinational team and environment (90+ nationalities)
• Develop your career path and grow domain wise (vertical and horizontal opportunities for growth and rotation among different units)
• Learn and develop soft and hard skills (1000+ internal training)
Location: Budapest

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